True or False

itiswellGuys, the last four days have been rough! It’s been the kind of days that you feel completely under attack. Where the enemy is trying to take you out any way he knows how…he knows your soft spots and weaknesses and he’s digging into Every. Single. One. I can either believe the lie or deny it on its cold dead face…

1.) The first was that my sister shared an article with me…it was a great article (I didn’t think so at the time) and it spoke truth around how grief can lead to sin…there were three main struggles the author pointed out…

  • Minimizing the joy of others…
  • Giving into an internalized anger and bitterness that are unjust…
  • Despicable jealousy…

But then I found myself feeling defensive all of a sudden. Feeling like, why is she sending this to me? I began to critique the writer, pointing out the flaws in the article. But the point is that the article was speaking TRUTH and I started to feel prideful like I don’t have her problem. And then all of a sudden, BAM! Those exact thoughts started to creep into my life, including my pride. I was giving into every single one of those temptations. I started getting irritated at everything and this was just the beginning of a long 4 days…

2.) Next up…Finn has been sick since Friday…that’s 4 days and 3 nights of barf, fevers, and crying (Finn too)…topped off with endless days of rain and clouds. The enemy is wearing us both down through the relentless whining, clean-up, and lack of sleep and really no where to go because it’s freaking raining out…again! The enemy is just having a hay-day with this…he’s snickering at every turn of events, including the unnecessary bickering between parents…

3.) My beauty is under attack…I gained about 10lbs with Elodie and the day I came home from the hospital I immediately lost 5 (yay!)…but now find myself back up and still needing to lose the same 10lbs and now they won’t budge. And then there’s the new haircut…I hear the enemy whispering ugly, fat, nice try, but you’ll never be good enough…also, lets refer back to #1 where despicable jealousy revealed itself…

4.) If the other items above weren’t enough, let’s just top it off with sprinkled affects of just feeling plain knocked down…either by holding others to unrealistic expectations, feeling alone, things simply not working, or the nagging nudges of just wanting Elodie to still be kicking inside…

Every single thing I mentioned is an utter LIE and I’ve been believing them, until I couldn’t take it anymore and I find Mason praying over me and speaking truth. Now I find that I can read that same article with a fresh set of eyes…it’s amazing how the truth does set you free when you deny what the enemy wants to use to tear you apart…

Ephesians 2:4–7 is true: But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—and raised us up with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.